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Maine Association of Broadcasters tương tác Us Representing và serving the radio và television stations of Maine

fab.edu.vn Board of Directors Chairman David Abel (President and General Manager of WMTW-TV, Portland) was excited khổng lồ announce the hiring of Tim Moore after an extensive search, following the unexpected passing of long-time President/CEO Suzanne Goucher earlier this year. “The Board was looking for someone with deep experience in Maine broadcasting & extensive relationships throughout the state—and Tim stood out among some very qualified candidates. There is much lớn be done to lớn position the fab.edu.vn for the future-and we are excited to lớn have Tim lead that effort.”
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fab.edu.vn Board of Directors Chairman David Abel

fab.edu.vn Board of Directors Chairman David Abel (President and General Manager of WMTW-TV, Portland) was excited khổng lồ announce the hiring of Tim Moore after an extensive search, following the unexpected passing of long-time President/CEO Suzanne Goucher earlier this year.“The Board was looking for someone with deep experience in Maine broadcasting và extensive relationships throughout the state—and Tim stood out among some very qualified candidates. There is much to lớn be done to lớn position the fab.edu.vn for the future-and we are excited to lớn have Tim lead that effort.”

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Advertising FAQs

Advertising in Times of Crisis
From ice storms và hurricanes lớn terrorist attacks, broadcasters keep the public informed with the latest news and information. During times of crisis, many broadcasters devote massive resources to live coverage. Since advertising is a broadcaster’s only source of revenue, there needs lớn be a balance between the news of the moment và the economics of self-preservation. Three sales consultants offer their views on how to lớn walk that tightrope. While these pieces were written in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, they are equally applicable to lớn today’s emergency situations.

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Political Advertising
Here is the political rate calculator from Mark Levy of Revenue Development Resources.

Here are answers khổng lồ your questions about political ads.

Here is a summary of the key political races in Maine and the U.S. & how often they are conducted.

Here is a summary of Maine law concerning the required disclaimers & sponsor IDs on political ads.

Thanks lớn the 2004 passage of the Bipartisan campaign Reform Act and the US Supreme Court’s decision in McConnell v. FEC, there are some new rules broadcasters must follow. & there are the perennial thorny issues of lowest unit rate calculations & the like.

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Here is an advisory on political advertising from noted FCC law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, along with a Q&A file addressing some of the questions on political advertising that fab.edu.vn has received in recent years.

Visit the FCC’s political programming site, which includes a liên kết to relevant federal law & regulations.

A .pdf of NAB’s PB-18 Political Agreement Forms is now không tính tiền to NAB members. The PB-18 on CD is discounted for NAB members. Visit nabstore.com for details. Non-NAB members can also purchase the PB-18 from the NAB Store at a slightly higher rate. Sorry, but fab.edu.vn cannot supply these forms; they must be purchased directly from NAB.

Can a retailer advertise an offer khổng lồ pay the sales tax on a consumer’s purchase? No. Not only can the retailer not advertise it, he/she can’t vị it in the first place. Under Maine law, payment of sales tax is the responsibility of the ultimate over purchaser. That responsibility cannot be assigned to lớn or assumed by another. Here is an excerpt from Maine Revenue Services’ General Informational Bulletin on sales taxes:

TAX AS SHOWN IN ADVERTISEMENTS & BILLS.A seller cannot advertise that no sales tax will be charged on otherwise taxable items or that no sales tax will be charged on certain days or period of time (otherwise known as a tax holiday). It is illegal for any seller lớn advertise or hold out or state to lớn the public or to any consumer that the sales tax or any portion of it will not be collected, or will be absorbed by the retailer, or that if collected it will be refunded. If the retailer does not state the amount of the tax separately from the sale price of tangible personal property or taxable services, the retailer shall include a statement on the sales slip or invoice presented to the purchaser that the stated price includes Maine sales tax.

Who pays the sales tax on contest prizes, the station or the prize winner? As noted above, sales tax is paid by the kết thúc consumer. However, much depends on how the contest is structured. This is a complex area. Stations should consult their legal counsel for advice based on the specific facts and circumstances of the contest.

Does a broadcast station have to charge sales tax on a clip or audio tape that contains a spot it produced for a client? Possibly. Advertising agencies and graphic designers that make sales of tangible personal property and/or fabrication services are required khổng lồ register as sellers with the State Tax Assessor và to collect, report and remit the Maine sales tax on taxable sales lớn their clients. Sales tax applies to the entire amount charged to lớn clients for items of tangible personal property such as drawings, paintings, designs, photographs, layouts, audio and đoạn clip tapes, lettering, assemblies and printed materials such as catalogs, brochures, pamphlets and fliers. Costs incurred by the agency in the production of these items & services performed by the agency which are a part of the production of these items are a part of the taxable sale price of the item, whether or not they are separately stated in the billing khổng lồ the customer. View the complete Maine Revenue Services instructional bulletin on Advertising Agencies & Graphic Designers.